Stormwater biofiltration systems in Southeast Australia and Southern California

Comparison of stormwater biofiltration systems in Southeast Australia and Southern California - Ambrose - 2015 - WIREs Water - Wiley Online Library

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Richard F. Ambrose

Corresponding Author - Richard F. Ambrose

Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Correspondence to: rambrose@ucla.eduSearch for more papers by this author

 Brandon K. Winfrey, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA

First published: 02 February 2015



Stormwater biofilters (also called rain gardens, bioretention systems, and bioswales) are used to manage stormwater runoff in urbanized environments. Some benefits of biofilters include flood prevention, stormwater runoff water quality improvement, and wildlife habitat. 

This technology has been implemented on a larger scale in southeast Australia, but cities and counties in southern California just beginning to construct biofilter systems to manage stormwater runoff. Biofilters tend to be larger in southern California than in southeast Australia. Differences in rainfall patterns likely affect biofilter function. 

Southern California has much longer periods between rain events than southeast Australia, providing challenges to establishing and maintaining vegetation in biofilters. The use of biofilters for restoring predevelopment flow regimes has been studied in a peri-urban watershed in southeast Australia, but flow regime restoration is not likely in highly urbanized locations in both Australia and southern California. However, stormwater runoff treatment and harvesting in decentralized biofilters could substantially reduce storm flows and improve water quality in receiving waters while improving urban water supply and extending the life of existing stormwater management infrastructure. WIREs Water 2015, 2:131–146. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1064

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  • Water and Life > Conservation, Management, and Awareness
  • Engineering Water > Sustainable Engineering of Water


Environmental Management volume 42pages 344–359 (2008)Cite this article

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In urban and suburban areas, stormwater runoff is a primary stressor on surface waters. Conventional urban stormwater drainage systems often route runoff directly to streams and rivers, thus exacerbating pollutant inputs and hydrologic disturbance, and resulting in the degradation of ecosystem structure and function. Decentralized stormwater management tools, such as low impact development (LID) or water sensitive urban design (WSUD), may offer a more sustainable solution to stormwater management if implemented at a watershed scale. These tools are designed to pond, infiltrate, and harvest water at the source, encouraging evaporation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and re-use of stormwater. While there are numerous demonstrations of WSUD practices, there are few examples of widespread implementation at a watershed scale with the explicit objective of protecting or restoring a receiving stream. This article identifies seven major impediments to sustainable urban stormwater management: 

(1) uncertainties in performance and cost, 

(2) insufficient engineering standards and guidelines, 

(3) fragmented responsibilities, 

{4) lack of institutional capacity, 

(5) lack of legislative mandate, 

(6) lack of funding and effective market incentives, and 

(7) resistance to change. 

By comparing experiences from Australia and the United States, two developed countries with existing conventional stormwater infrastructure and escalating stream ecosystem degradation, we highlight challenges facing sustainable urban stormwater management and offer several examples of successful, regional WSUD implementation. We conclude by identifying solutions to each of the seven impediments that, when employed separately or in combination, should encourage widespread implementation of WSUD with watershed-based goals to protect human health and safety, and stream ecosystems.


Decentralized stormwater management tools, such as Low Impact Development (LID) and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), are innovative approaches to managing stormwater runoff in urban areas. They aim to reduce the negative environmental impacts of urban development on water quality, hydrology, and ecosystems by mimicking natural water processes and promoting sustainable urban planning and design. Here's an overview of both LID and WSUD:

  1. Low Impact Development (LID):

    LID is a comprehensive approach to managing stormwater that focuses on using natural or engineered features to capture, store, treat, and infiltrate rainwater where it falls. The primary goals of LID are to reduce stormwater runoff, improve water quality, and enhance the overall sustainability of urban areas. Key LID practices and features include:

    • Rain Gardens/Bioretention: These are shallow depressions planted with native vegetation designed to capture and treat stormwater through natural processes.

    • Permeable Pavements: These include permeable concrete, asphalt, or pavers that allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground rather than running off.

    • Green Roofs: Vegetated roofs that capture and treat rainfall while providing insulation and other benefits.

    • Rain Barrels and Cisterns: Collecting rainwater from rooftops for later use or infiltration.

    • Native Landscaping: Using native plants that require less water and provide habitat for local wildlife.

    LID promotes a distributed approach to stormwater management, reducing the burden on centralized sewer systems and mitigating issues like flooding and water pollution.

  2. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD):

    WSUD is an approach that considers the entire urban environment, aiming to integrate water management into the urban planning and design process. It recognizes that water is a valuable resource and seeks to optimize its use and minimize its impact. Key principles of WSUD include:

    • Integrated Planning: Coordinating land use planning, water supply, wastewater management, and stormwater management to maximize efficiency and sustainability.

    • Water Recycling and Reuse: Treating and reusing wastewater for non-potable purposes such as irrigation or industrial processes.

    • Source Control: Managing pollution at its source through measures like sediment basins, swales, and pollutant traps.

    • Urban Wetlands: Creating or preserving wetlands within urban areas to provide habitat, improve water quality, and manage stormwater.

    WSUD emphasizes the need for collaboration between urban planners, engineers, architects, and environmental scientists to create sustainable and water-sensitive urban environments.

Both LID and WSUD contribute to more sustainable urban development by reducing the impact of urbanization on local hydrology, protecting water quality, enhancing urban aesthetics, and even providing recreational and green spaces. These approaches are gaining popularity as cities strive to become more resilient and environmentally friendly in the face of climate change and increasing urbanization.



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The analysis and opinions in this article were generated by the authors based on years of experience working with scientists, watershed groups, government officials, and other stakeholders. We greatly appreciate the insights and interactions of our colleagues, collaborators, and acquaintances, which have played an essential role in shaping this manuscript. Thoughtful reviews by Derek Booth and two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent EPA policy.

Author information

Author notes

  1. Christopher J. Walsh

    Present address: School of Social and Environmental Enquiry, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, 3010, Australia

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH, 45268, USA

    Allison H. Roy, William D. Shuster & Hale W. Thurston

  2. River Basin Center, Odum School of Ecology, The University of Georgia, 110 Riverbend Road, Athens, GA, 30602, USA

    Seth J. Wenger

  3. Department of Civil Engineering, Institute for Sustainable Water Resources, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia

    Tim D. Fletcher & Anthony R. Ladson

  4. Water Studies Centre and School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia

    Christopher J. Walsh

  5. School of Geography and Environmental Science, Institute for Sustainable Water Resources, Monash University, P.O. Box 11a, Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia

    Rebekah R. Brown


  1. Allison H. Roy

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Cite this article

Roy, A.H., Wenger, S.J., Fletcher, T.D. et al. Impediments and Solutions to Sustainable, Watershed-Scale Urban Stormwater Management: Lessons from Australia and the United States. Environmental Management 42, 344–359 (2008).

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  • Stormwater runoff
  • Water resource management
  • Watershed protection
  • Policy
  • Restoration
  • Sustainability



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