Show me the money!:These companies are giving the most to California legislative candidates

California Assembly - Representative of the People or Special Interests Big Money, Bigger Influence: Political Donors Shape California’s 2024 Legislative Races Sacramento, CA — A staggering $100 million has already been poured into California’s 2024 legislative races by corporate- and labor-backed political action committees (PACs), with the financial battle intensifying in recent months. The unrestricted spending by these independent expenditure groups is reshaping the electoral landscape, often overshadowing candidates’ own fundraising efforts. Key players include tech giant Uber, which has emerged as the largest single spender, contributing over $7 million. Much of Uber’s spending has been directed toward supporting pro-business candidates like Democrat Sade Elhawary and opposing figures such as Kathryn Lybarger, who lost her bid in the March primary. The company’s outsized influence follows its historic $200 million push to pass Proposition 22 in 2020, which preserved...